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Join us for an Evening Get-Together!

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On September 20th you can take advantage of trying on Multifocal Contact Lenses in a Special Event, where we are waiving our fitting fees and going all out on contacts. We are so excited by some of these new contacts we felt we had to stay late after work and try them on with anyone who wanted to try them!

If you’d like to participate in this event, call us and give us your name and prescription (or if you’ve already visited us– just to let us know you’re interested!) The event is from 5pm to 7pm. It should take about half an hour for any one person, and the only thing we’re going to be focused on is contact lenses for your eyes. If they’d be your first contacts ever, we’ll have to see you again to help teach you all the details of putting them in, taking them out and taking care of them.

Multifocals are a specific kind of lens shown below that allow you to see both up close and far away. Not everyone can use them, but if you call us and let us know your prescription we can definitely let you know if you are a good candidate. Normally there’s a fee for the ordering and the fitting of contacts, but again, no fees for this Special Event!


Written by Dr. Nicole Prieur

Graduated from University of Waterloo in 2015. Serving in English, French and Spanish, Dr. Prieur has a particular interest in specialty contact lenses and shares our passion for treating dry eye disease. Mentored by Dr. Martin, she has also interned in Florida studying ocular pathology.

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