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Want to go all out for your next vacation?

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Contact lenses can be very convenient, and they can provide invisible vision correction. Some can even add colour or defining shimmer to your eyes. But they’re less convenient when not at home. Bringing one pair on vacation might be stressful if one is lost or damaged, or perhaps just a bummer if your back-up glasses aren’t as exciting. And there’s always the risk that a big bottle of contact lens solution won’t make it on your plane, so make do with a small carry-on bottle.

Or, not long before an expected departure, come and visit us. We have a lot of daily wear contact lenses which, even if they aren’t necessary in your every day routine, can a great perk for a short time! No worries about losing one somewhere– there’s more! Damaged lens?– there’s a back up! No need for contact lens solution, just wear them and throw them out at the end of the day.

It should just take a few days to find a pair of dailies that will work for you, often within the same product line as your bi-weekly or monthly lenses. Let us know if you want to make your next vacation even easier.


Written by Dr. Nicole Prieur

Graduated from University of Waterloo in 2015. Serving in English, French and Spanish, Dr. Prieur has a particular interest in specialty contact lenses and shares our passion for treating dry eye disease. Mentored by Dr. Martin, she has also interned in Florida studying ocular pathology.

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