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Happy Canada Day

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Happy Canada Day!

As proud Canadians we get to benefit from world-renowned health care. In Ontario we benefit from OHIP (Ontario Health Insurance Plan) and we have all used it at some point. However we have all come across circumstances where it seems to fall short of covering everything.

When it comes to eyes, the short answer to is it covered is ‘sometimes it is, sometimes it isn’t.’ The long, long answer can be found on the ministry of health website or at one of their service locations. But our, I think, more useful answer for you is that you are covered once a year if you are 19 or under, or 65 and older, and that includes some follow-ups or partial exams such as getting an eye infection checked or post-surgery check. If you are between those ages, 20-64, you are not covered except in cases of certain medical conditions, like glaucoma. And unfortunately if you’re checked for that condition, you cannot get unrelated follow-ups covered. OHIP helps cover the most vulnerable people, and emergencies. It’s great that our young and older are taken care of, and you can show up with a surprise major eye infection and be covered from start to finish!

If we know that you won’t be covered by Ontario Health Insurance, we will inform you over the phone before your appointment. We want you to be as informed as possible, so give us a call if you want to know more.


Written by Dr. Nicole Prieur

Graduated from University of Waterloo in 2015. Serving in English, French and Spanish, Dr. Prieur has a particular interest in specialty contact lenses and shares our passion for treating dry eye disease. Mentored by Dr. Martin, she has also interned in Florida studying ocular pathology.

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